亲爱的朋友们,我很荣幸继续担任DVCon China大会主席。我谨代表整个组委会欢迎新老朋友加入我们。作为一个专注在技术的平台,我们希望能够提带给你们来自业界的最新技术动向,以及来自同行的新的想法和实践。

在2021年,DVCon China参会人数达到了历史新高,每个人都感受到了行业的热度。我的朋友们都很忙,要么忙于芯片的TO,要么忙于新EDA工具的推出。很不幸,最近的一段时间里行业遇到了一些起伏。但是何不把这看作是一次重新审视我们的工作的机会呢?疲于奔命的两年,我们究竟有多少是创造性的劳动又有多少是同质化的重复?


PeiYu Liu


EDA 2.0 – Leveraging AI to Achieve The Next 10x

IC device complexity continues to increase, driven by expanding demand for SoCs across industries like hyperscale compute, automotive, IoT, aerospace, and mobile.  Increased complexity and demand for devices has resulted in more design starts, with not enough engineering resources to meet the demand.  As Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning become more and more accessible across the technology landscape, EDA has the opportunity to leverage these technologies to increase overall productivity through both automation, and catalyzation of the human in the loop.  Cadence keynote speech will discuss this IC landscape, and how AI can help EDA drive the next 10x increase in engineering productivity.

VP of System Verifications Group Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Yogesh Goel

Speaker's Bio >

System Design with Agile Verification and Continuous Acceleration

Chip design is increasingly shifting towards system-level application as the core focus. A typical example is the popular STCO (System Technology Cooperative Optimization) methodology in recent years. However, at the same time, the scale of design and verification is also growing, requiring designers to enter the system-level verification earlier and faster. They are becoming increasingly dependent on better Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools to provide system-level simulation performance and debugging capabilities.

This new trend imposes higher demands on EDA tools, especially concerning verification. XEPIC Technology, based on the concepts of agile verification and continuous acceleration, continuously innovates on XEPIC FusionVerify platform. We provide earlier, faster, and more comprehensive verification solutions tailored to the needs of application-level design verification.



Speaker's Bio >



DVCon中国是在中国举办的集成电路相关的高技术会议,探讨集成电路和电子系统设计与验证中的标准语言、工具与方法学。由Accellera Systems Initiative主办,DVCon美国在硅谷成功举办了超过20年。

2、SystemVerilog 断言(SVA)或属性描述语言(PSL)



鉴于近期新冠疫情在全国范围内多点发生,Accellera一直在密切关注事态的发展。 由于我们非常重视与会者、合作伙伴、赞助商和志愿者的安全和身体健康,我们做出了取消今年DVCon中国会议的艰难决定。


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